Congratulations on choosing to join 140 Aurora Squadron. The Squadron has over 30 years of successful training for hundreds of young men and women. We're looking forward to welcoming you.
All training is conducted on Tuesdays from 6:30 pm until 9:30 pm. Training will begin this year on September, 2024 at Cardinal Carter Catholic High School at 210 Bloomington Sideroad in Aurora.
The Squadron is accepting applications for new members, and is excited for very fun and rewarding training calendar. Upcoming activities include: Gliding, Flight Simulator Experience Day, Field Training Exercise, Marksmanship and many more activities.
140 Aurora Squadron accepts new recruits throughout the year. We welcome everyone and will contact you as soon as we receive an application.
Please use the following link to access the application form:
A birth certificate/passport and the recruit's health card are required as part of the package.
Questions? Contact the Administration Officer
Training covers a whole range of subjects, including citizenship, aviation, sports, marksmanship and so much more.
Usually, weekly optional training on Thursdays includes Band, marksmanship, biathlon, drill team and more.
Ground School -- For cadets who will be 16 before 1 September 2024, Ground School is an option, where cadets will receive instruction online from a certified pilot in preparation for application for the Glider Pilot Scholarship or the Power Pilot Scholarship.
Outside of our usual training, we've participated in events such as bowling, skating, town parades, Inauguration of Town of Aurora Council, and more. We've also taken field trips, some past designations have been Ottawa, Washington DC, Pearson International Airport, Hamilton Warplane Museum, and Billy Bishop Airport.
Here are some videos on the Air Cadet program. Click on the link:
140 Aurora Squadron is always on the lookout for new staff. If you are interested, there are paths you can follow.
Officers of the Cadet Instructors Cadre (CIC) are members of the Canadian Forces Reserve working as part of the Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service (COATS) whose primary duty is the supervision, administration and training of youth from 12–19 years of age who are members of the Royal Canadian Sea, Army and Air Cadets in more than 1,100 corps and squadrons across Canada.
During the summer months, full-time summer employment opportunities also exist for CIC officers who may wish to work at any of the 22 Cadet Training Centres (CTCs) located throughout Canada.
Source for the above, and for more information, click here and/or contact us at
Civilian Instructors (CIs) must meet some basic prerequisites in order to become a paid member of a corps / squadron and they are as follows:
Contact us at if you'd like to explore this opportunity.
Source for the above click here.
Disclaimer: This is the official website of the 140 Aurora Squadron Sponsoring Committee, the civilian sponsor of 140 Aurora Squadron. This is not a Canadian Forces website. These pages are not intended to be, nor do they represent in any way, official comments, statistics, or opinions of the Department of National Defence or the Air Cadet League of Canada. These pages are not provided, endorsed, sponsored or approved by the Department of National Defence or the Air Cadet League of Canada. Links to external sites are provided for completeness. Links were active at the time of writing. Content at external sites is not necessarily endorsed by 140 Aurora Squadron.
Copyright © 2021 140 Aurora Air Cadets